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Over 7 million people posted using #innerlight2020 hashtag.

In March 2020 the Material World Foundation launched the Inner Light Challenge (#innerlight2020) to keep people connected and help them find their own Inner Light during the pandemic. The challenge asked people around the globe to share a verse, chorus, or line from The Beatles song ‘The Inner Light’ - sing it, play it, hum it, strum it, paint it, knit it, chant it, plant it, pray or meditate - and post it with the hashtag #innerlight2020.

For every person that shared their own “Inner Light” moment on social media using the #innerlight2020 hashtag, the Material World Foundation donated $1 (up to $100,000) to help those affected by the virus, with the Foundation donating a total of $500,000 to the Musicares COVID-19 Relief Fund, Save the Children, and Medecins Sans Frontiers (Doctors Without Borders).

Without going out of my door, I can know all things on earth.
Without looking out of my window, I can know the ways of heaven.

Olivia Harrison said, “These lyrics sung by George are a positive reminder to all of us who are isolating, in quarantine or respecting the request to shelter in place. Let’s get and stay connected at this difficult time.  There are things we can do to help and we invite you to share your Inner Light.”

Here are some of our favorite contributions:


Olivia and The Material World Foundation were honoured by The Achievable Foundation in Los Angeles.

Upon accepting this honour Olivia said: “Achievable is a place for families. Its core goal is to help not only the individual but the entire family, however large or small, who need support, respite, advice and a caring environment. That is what Ted and Danise needed and they had to create it for their family and in turn, for others. They created a place where every effort is made to help each individual realise their own unique potential. What they have created for this community I can only compare to the Buddhist practice that we don’t just pray for our own enlightenment but for the enlightenment of all sentient beings. What Danise and Ted have done is a perfect example of that dharma. It has been a lesson for me”

‘Achievable’, a non-profit community health center focusing on individuals with developmental disabilities and other vulnerable populations, honoured Olivia and the Foundation alongside the Chicago School of Professional Psychology. Find out more about The Achievable Foundation here.

Discover how the Foundation has collaborated with some of the world’s most deserving causes.